Last Last Kompa
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The last name Kompa is the 279,656th most commonly occurring family name on earth It is held by approximately 1 in 5,273,188 people. Kompa occurs mostly in Europe, where 59 percent of Kompa are found; 30 percent are found in Western Europe and 30 percent are found in Germanic Europe. Kompa is also the 698,971st most frequently used given name worldwide It is held by 171 people.
This last name is most commonly used in Germany, where it is carried by 414 people, or 1 in 194,458. In Germany Kompa is mostly found in: North Rhine-Westphalia, where 51 percent reside, Lower Saxony, where 12 percent reside and Hesse, where 11 percent reside. Excluding Germany this last name occurs in 33 countries. It is also common in Poland, where 24 percent reside and India, where 12 percent reside.
Ever wonder about the development of reggae or reggaeton The roots of salsa dance music The origins of hip hop MU 014 Music of Latin America and the Caribbean will explore these questions and more. A general introduction to the music, culture, and history of Latin America and the Caribbean from the pre-conquest to the present, this course satisfies the D2 as well as a Fine Arts requirement. Basic ethnomusicological theory will aid in the recognition and appreciation of the cultural, historical, and political dynamics underlying different musical practices. Some of the many genres explored: Mexican son and mariachi; Cuban rumba and popular dance music; reggae and reggaeton; Brazilian samba, capoeira, funk, and forró; milonga, tango and rock nacional from Argentina; Haitian vodun and kompa; calypso and chutney soca from Trinidad; Colombian cumbia and Andean huayno; sacred classical music and much more. 59ce067264